31 Ekim 2010 Pazar

The Conditions That Causes the Formation of Serial Music 

- Pre-War Picture from Europe ( Political - Social )

     The protestant - catholic contrast in the Europe started to took its hardest shape from 16. century. In 17. century '' The Thirty Years War '' ( between 1618 - 1648 ) caused a great change in Europe, basically Holy Roman Empire parted. After that period, The German ( German Lands ) started to lose power vice versa France started to became prominant on economy and politics. After the 1789 '' The French Revolution '' , France was stepping to '' Republic '' idea, still the other Europen races were formed by princedoms. The Colonization which began in the 16. century had took its brand new and lasting shape in 19.century. The European Countries ( expect German Lands ) started to settle in many places in the World ( in that period basically Africa ) and captured many people to work for their raw goods as a great need of capitalist idea. As a supporter, '' Industrial Revolution '' gave much power to countries like the England and France, because of the manipulating of raw goods. These developments were making the France and England much powerful while the German Lands unite in 1871. Despite the late formation and a little colonization of Germany, at the end of the 19. century it became a powerful union too. With the Conference of Vienna lands the Germany that colonize in Africa bereaved and that caused the most important thing: Peace with Armament.

      At the beginning of the 20. century there was a great Polarization between England, France to Germany, Austria - Hungary Empire. The race between them not also only with colonization or economic reasons, they were opposite to each other about their method of management: Absolutism and Republic. These reasons caused firstly the little clashes but with the assassination of Austria-Hungary Emrepor Franz Ferdinand, turned in to a World War.

      While we talking about the '' Man in first half of the  20. century '' we should consider it like '' Man after Industrial Revolution '' or '' Man after Mass Production ''. Because factories, basically labor displacement caused a great change in human mind. The new working class of Europe as a victim of Capitalist idea, whom over-worked in really deficient conditions for a little payment, the gap between the factory production and their villages, the power of machines inspite of the human made them problematic and skeptic in their relations and hopeless about world.

    The 20. century human also live and support the lasting form of the idea '' Nationalism ''. Beginning from the French Revolution people became more and more individual and all of the politic and economic reasons that prepared the war, showed their effect in Pre - War Europe human with the usage of that idea.

1 yorum:

  1. It's good to give a global view about the pre-war state. May be you can saysomething more about Europe "at the turn of the century" (society and arts)...
